Газозащитная порошковая проволока для сварки высоколегированных коррозионностойких сталей ELOXCOR S 309 L

TS EN ISO 17633-A T 23 12 L P M21/C1 1
EN ISO 17633-A T 23 12 L P M21/C1 1
AWS A5.22 E309L T1-1/-4
Chemical Composition of Weld Metal % (Typical)
C Si Mn Cr Ni
0.03 0.7 1.4 23.5 13.0
Typical Base Material Grades
  • High-strength unalloyed and heat-treatable steels, ferritic Cr and austenitic CrNi steels, austenitic Mn steels, unalloyed tempered steels, tool steels, hard mangenese steels, ferritic chromium steels, austenitic nickel-chromium steels, hard-to-weld steels, similar-type austenititic steels, dissimilar metals , joining of corrosion resistant stainless steel with mild or low alloy steels, clad steels.
Mechanical Properties
Yield Strength (N/mm²) Tensile Strength (N/mm²) Impact Strength (ISO-V/-60°C) Elongation ((Lo=5do) (%))
460 580 40 J 35
Typical values : with M21 gas
Features and Applications
  • ELOXCOR S 309L is rutile fast freezing type flux cored wire
  • Austenitic-ferritic deposit in over-alloyed CrNi steeltype 309L, with optimised ferrite content for joining dissimilar metals
  • Joining of steels with similar compositions and joining carbon steels to Stainless steels
  • Buffering before cladding. Service temperatures from — 60°C to + 350°C
  • Shieldin Gas: CO2 or M21
Current Type
  • DC(+)
Operating Data
Product Code Package Type Weight (Kg) Diameter (mm) Diameter (inch)
6011100256 D 300 Spool 15 Ø1.2 Ø3/64